Watch the welcome video...
Can you relate?!...
- Feel LOST or in the dark when it comes to learning guitar? Or finding a good resource for your kid who really wants to learn guitar?
- Can't remember the chords you’ve learned?
- Frustrated trying to switch from one chord to the next?
- Struggle with strumming?
- Can’t seem to learn even a simple song?
- Want learn useful scales but have no idea where to begin?
- Spent 100s or even 1000s of $$$ on lessons but still unsatisfied with your progress?
- Or just needing to try something new to give you joy and help with mental wellness?
After years of helping beginner guitar players feel CONFIDENT on the guitar, I created an online guitar course tailored to beginners. It is an EASY and FUN method to learning guitar without breaking the bank, taking up too much time, or having to be tied down to weekly lessons.
Check out the course below to help you (or loved one) achieve desired guitar goals and dreams!
“Justin's course is incredibly easy to follow. It moves at a pace that is just challenging enough without leaving you feeling either overwhelmed or bored. A great course for all ages!” – Chuck
What you get...
- Lifetime access to a 9 module step-by-step video series, with complimentary PDF resources.
- Learn open chords used in popular songs. Useful strum patterns. Easy scales and rockin’ riffs. Super fun blues. Easy guitar theory. Guitar tab. Helpful song suggestions. How to tune and get set up to play. How to play and sing. And many other tips and tricks to help you achieve your guitar goals!
- Check out the full course curriculum below and even preview the first 2 modules for FREE!
Course Curriculum
- Lesson 1: Intro to E Minor Pentatonic (1:28)
- Lesson 2: E Minor Pentatonic (3:38)
- Lesson 3: Intro to E Minor Scale (1:34)
- Lesson 4: E Minor Scale (5:30)
- Lesson 5: E Minor Scale Riffs (2:23)
- Lesson 6: Soloing in the Key of E Minor (2:00)
- Lesson 7: Key of E Minor Jam Track (2:54)
- Lesson 8: Final Thoughts (1:29)
“I grew up with my Dad playing guitar and always wanted to play. I even bought my first guitar in 2017 but never got past learning 2 chords and that left me feeling very discouraged. Fast forward to some free time this year, which in turn led me to Justin's course. Justin's method in teaching guitar has helped me to feel much more comfortable in playing and practicing my guitar. I feel confident progressing through the modules that he has thoughtfully designed in the course. For a true beginner, I appreciate how Justin illustrates the chords with a finger reference, (I,M,R,P) instead of a number as other courses do. Also, that Justin offers a practice schedule. For me that helps keep the time I play guitar on track and on task, while still being challenging and rewarding at the same time! I have already learned over a dozen chords and feel like I have made some serious progress in my goal of becoming a 6 String Superhero!” - Richard
Money Back Guarantee
If you are like me, I know that you like to mitigate financial risk. That’s why if you find that the course isn't the best fit for you, then there is a 30 day money back guarantee. And you can even keep any resources that you printed off.
So what are you waiting for? No financial risk. A rare opportunity to learn guitar like you always wanted with a proven method that works.
Click below to fulfill your guitar dreams and goals!
Instructor bio...
Hey! My name is Justin Hazel, and I am a professional guitar instructor, as well as a professional guitar player.
I first wanted to learn guitar because my dad played. Like many kids who see their dad as their hero, I wanted to have the superpowers he did. And guitar was definitely one of them!
So I set out trying to learn guitar but was not very good at all! Couldn’t form chords very well. Had trouble pressing down on the strings properly. I struggled with strumming and learning songs well. I really had no direction or method whatsoever.
Finally, I came across a guitar instructor that gave me a solid foundation and method to pursue my guitar goals and dreams.
Implementing this method helped me be able to not just achieve my personal goals on guitar, but also allow me to play in bands and perform many gigs. And last but not least, to teach others this same core method so they can pursue their guitar goals and dreams too!
Over the years I have taught many students of all ages all sorts of different styles of music. Rock, pop, blues, country, jazz, church music, etc.
I love helping beginner guitarists get "unstuck" and help them feel like they've accomplished learning guitar and feel confident to continue to pursue further goals for guitar.
I can't wait for you to use my course to crush it on the guitar!
“Justin is just a real talented guitarist. He has a genuine passion to help people improve their guitar skills. He made the course to help guitar beginners and provide them with great tips. He has a knack for teaching through short videos that are simple enough for anyone that wants to learn how to play guitar. From strum patterns, to chords and chord transitions. Be sure to check it out!” – Michelle
a lot. I have been so scared to start what I love most (learning music and guitar).
Thank you for the power.” - Ephraim
“Justin is amazing with his teaching. Thank you Justin, you rock!” – Dee
Questions you may have....
Do I need special talent to learn guitar or knowledge in music already?
Definitely NOT! I have seen people even in their older age with no prior musical training take up guitar for the first time and learn how to play the songs they love. I've also seen kids with non-musical parents use my methods to learn to love playing. My course makes it EASY to learn guitar.
How do I know this course will benefit me?
Most people give up on something because they have no method and lose motivation. My course is designed to be very methodical but also like taking baby steps. Therefore, it's very easy to follow and succeed at learning guitar.
Other benefits of learning guitar can include: Mental and emotional stress relief to help with anxiety and depression, sense of accomplishment, potential to connect with people more, and overall enrichment of life!
Is too late for me to learn guitar?
Of course not! It is never too late to learn something new. As mentioned, I have seen anyone from middle age to retirement age learn to enjoy playing guitar. Whether you just got a brand new guitar, or your guitar has been “collecting dust”, now is the time to get going on your guitar goals!
Does it matter if I have an acoustic or electric guitar?
Either guitar will work. The concepts you learn you set you up for success for either one.
What if I’m a lefty (strum with left hand and fret with right)?
I have a student who is a lefty that is finding success and the course easy to follow.
I’m scared my poor little fingers won’t be able to play guitar properly!?
I have had kids as young as 6 years old start to play guitar. It's not about the strength of one's fingers but consistent, bite-size practice, which I'll help you understand.
What will I learn exactly?
You will learn how to strum through many open chords used in popular songs, useful strum patterns, easy scales, easy rockin’ riffs, super fun blues concepts, helpful guitar theory, guitar tab, song suggestions, tuning, how to play and sing, and many other tips and tricks. (See the course curriculum above as well).
What is the time commitment?
The goal is to try and practice guitar about 10mins per day (3-4 times a week). That means you won’t have to sacrifice other important things in life in order to achieve your dream of playing guitar. Most people spend waaaay more time on social media and are left with no good progress for anything!
How long will it take to complete the course?
Some may get through the course content in a few months or less. Some it may take longer. The main point, though, is that the course will help you on your journey, at whatever pace you go at, to give you the method you need to achieve your guitar goals easier and faster than you would on your own.
I fear this course might be way over my head!?
As seen from various testimonials, students find the course “incredibly easy to follow” yet “challenging and rewarding at the same time!” It's safe to say the course is very simple and a very non-stressful way to learn guitar.
Is the course worth the price?
The same amount of quality content covered in private lessons would cost hundreds of dollars. You will pay a fraction of the price and still have amazing results! But it's up to you to put in the effort :)
Wait a minute…can’t I just go on Youtube and watch tutorials for free?
Using Youtube has it's place BUT you have no structure and are just scrambling around for random videos hoping they’ll get you to where you want to go. My course takes away the stress of going it on your own because I give you a "yellow brick road" to help you accomplish your goals.
Now isn't the right time for me to learn guitar...
When will be the right time? If you continue to hold off, you will most likely never get around to fulfilling your dream of playing guitar confidently. Remember, it's only 10mins on a given day.
Contact me:
For any more inquiries, please contact my personal email and I'll be happy to help.